Friday, May 6, 2011

Raising boys? Read this!

Hello? Anybody out there? I'm really not sure if this is reaching many people, but I'm going send a shout out to the great void anyway.

So, as many of you know, I have four boys. We have lots of boy fun. I love my boys. They are so straightforward. They wrestle and fight a lot, but they get over things quickly. There is very little drama (okay, maybe not very little, but a small amount comparatively). There is one downside, though. There is a trend sweeping the ranks of boyhood and manhood worldwide. Boys are becoming lazier. The statistics are quite telling.  Boys Adrift, by Leonard Sax, explains five factors that are effecting boys' motivation.

Boys Adrift: Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men

In a nutshell, we currently face a lot of environmental factors that didn't exist 30 years ago. Things like plastic bottles, phalates, pesticides, and video gaming are relatively new factors.  Manufactured products contain things like BPA and artificial hormones that interfere with the motivation sensors in the male brain, as does video gaming. After reading this book, I felt a little bit overwhelmed with what I could do to change any of this, even with the suggestions listed in the book. (I think limiting my kids to 40 minutes of video gaming a day is the hardest part!) As a result, I began exploring ways to purify my home and the food that my children eat. In short, I looked for effective ways to "go green."

After my initial reaction of trying to ban all plastic from my home and buying organic everything, I realized I needed to find a balance because I couldn't afford all the changes that I wanted to make. Luckily, around the time I made these changes, I also discovered Doterra Essential oils.  I don't want this to sound like a commercial, but I have found so many alternative solutions for cleaning that I had to share.

I am a clean freak. After years of using harsh chemicals and products like disinfecting wipes, my hands were thrashed and I knew that by inhaling the vapors and coming into contact with ingredients I couldn't even pronounce I was potentially putting myself and my children at risk. (Read more about harsh chemicals and cleaning agents here.) I remembered reading an article in a Family Circle magazine that talked about alternative cleaning products, namely Melaleuca (tea tree oil), and I just so happened to have recently purchased Melaleuca. I read about the antigermicidal, antifungal, antibacterial and immune-boosting properties of Melaleuca and decided to try it on my shower. I mixed several drops of Melaleuca in a water bottle, sprayed it on, and watched it get rid of the mildew and mold on my shower floor (I had just cleaned it with Tilex with no results.) Now, I spray my shower with it daily and the mildew has not returned.

I also use lemon oil because it also has cleansing qualities and I love the smell. I use it instead of Lysol wipes on my countertops and floors. It has also replaced Windex for me. It is fab-u-lous. The most exciting about lemon oil is it breaks down impurities so I use it to clean my fruits and vegetables when I can't afford to buy organic. I also put a little in my water each day to cleanse my system and it's great for tummy aches!

My new favorite cleaner is a special Doterra blend called Purify. It contains a blend of different oils and can get rid of nasty odors. Case in point: many of my friends get to hear me complain about the smell that three boys leave in a restroom. The caulking around my toilet is disintegrating because of the urine (sorry to gross you out, but if you have boys you know what I'm talking about). I can't get rid of the smell and I have used many different cleaners. This week I tried Purify and am happy to report the smell is gone and doesn't come back as quickly as when I use harsh cleaners. I will never be without it!  The best part about all of this is that these oils contain no phalates, pesticides or synthetic fillers unlike other brands you can find at the store.

I feel so empowered in my home. That is a great feeling. There are also oils to help with other issues that boys face, such as ADD and ADHD - which can be worsenend, according to the author of the book, by prescriptions such as Ritalin.  I want to empower other mothers to take control of their homes, and this is why I wanted to share. This is just the beginning of my love affair with Essential Oils.

Now, I'm going to turn off the Wii...their 40 minutes are up!

P.S. I just wanted to add this because not all oils are safe to ingest!  Doterra Essential oils are pure and safe to ingest because they contain no synthetic fillers, pesticides, weeds, etc. If you'd like more info about Doterra oils click here.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cure for the blues

It feels like I've been walking around with a storm cloud over my head for the past two years.  I think that's just my perception. Ever notice when you get the blues it colors your memories? I've been a pretty good journaler in the past but the last year has been especially challenging because life has just gotten busier. So, tonight, as I waded in the doldrums of life, I decided to take a peek into my life as it was a year ago to see if it was really as bad as I was imagining. What I found really surprised me.  During that time I made it a goal to find the positive in life. This journal entry really gave me the giggles and I'm so glad I recorded it to remind myself that there is always a bright side to every situation.

Prayers.  We say a lot of them.  Jacob especially loves to pray at mealtime.  He often gets upset if he is not chosen to say the prayer and will offer his own after whoever gives the prayer is done – if he’s in one of those moods.  It’s a good thing that my children love to pray.  I love what they say in their prayers, especially Jacob.  Usually he has his eyes fluttering open and closed to make sure everyone is closing their eyes.
“He’nly Father, please bless us to say prayers.”
“Bless us to be good.”
“Bless Mommy to not be naughty.”
These are just a few of his regular prayers. 
                Garrett is my other pray-er.  He is the first to suggest a prayer when we have lost something or there is contention in the house.  He often teaches me by example and he knows that Heavenly Father will answer him.  Except for today.  Today, Garrett took a flying leap off the couch.  He landed with a thud and when he sat up he said, “Mom, I just prayed for a long time in the bathroom that I could fly, so how come I can’t?” 
                Well, I admire his diligence and his trust in Heavenly Father, but how do I answer this one.  I did my best to explain that God always answers, but sometimes it’s not the answer we want.  I told him Heavenly Father wants him to be safe, so he probably wouldn’t help him fly – not to mention that nobody in the history of mankind has ever flown on his own.  He accepted this and then went to pray to be invisible. 
   So, my cure for the blues turned out to be my own experience. I am so glad I decided to write in my journal last year because it has given me something to smile about this year. I know that when I wrote this experience I was struggling with my two-year-old, but I found the simple joys and wrote about them. Maybe this can give you some inspiration to write your positive experiences. You might need them someday!